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go against the state’s interests
触犯国际利益  detail>>
go against
违背,反对;不利于 (The case went against him. 这案子作出了对他不利的裁决)。   detail>>
go against the current of the times
违背时代潮流  detail>>
go against the grain
背道而驰  detail>>
go against the law
与法律相抵触  detail>>
go against the objective laws
违反客观规律  detail>>
go against the route rhyme
戗辙儿  detail>>
go against the stream
逆流而行, 反潮流  detail>>
go against the will of the people
违背人民的意志  detail>>
go against the wind
顶风而上  detail>>
go to law against sb
跟某人打官司  detail>>
i dare not go against it
我张某不敢不同意  detail>>
not a thing to go against me
没出什么对我不利的事  detail>>
a diatribe against the police state
对警察国家的连声怒骂  detail>>
crime against the state
政治罪, 危害国家罪  detail>>
crimes against the state
国事罪  detail>>
offences against the state
危害国家罪  detail>>
suit against state
通过国家诉讼而求得法律救济的案件  detail>>